My trophy wife friend

redneck36I have a friend that has been my friend for many years. But she’s delusional. She calls herself a Trophy Wife, but she’s not married to anyone rich, and no guys hit on her. She’s very high maintenance but in a white-trash sort of way.

Trophy Wife has some serious personality issues, too. Like the time she called me out once in front of my husband for something I did in high school. But it’s not something I would ever have told my husband about. It had to do with sneaking a boy into the house. She does things things at inappropriate times, and it pisses me off, because I do not need someone causing anymore drama than I’m already having to deal with.

Recently, we had a family issue that I confided to her about. I don’t post anything public on Facebook, but she made a comment about the family issue on my page so that everyone could see it. I felt like I was having to scold one of my children, who are not even that stupid, for doing something like that. And this is how she replies:

O good grief………………………..! Ok ok , I think this was a bit blow up. But ok what ever you want . It could of been an inside joke between 2 friends and if some one wants over think it on there end. Then they have a dull since of humor, and should not assume it was a negative or political or illegal classification.. That’s fine

From now on, I’m going to post her business right here on my blog, bad grammar and all. She doesn’t know anything about it.

5 thoughts on “My trophy wife friend

  1. Why is she your friend? Seriously, knock her down to acquaintance and quit confiding in her. Or when she calls you out on shit, act like you have no idea of what she is talking about and lead people to think she is delusional or a liar. What’s the fun of making fun of her on your blog if she doesn’t know it?

    I would make a much better friend than she.

  2. She’s just one of those people I’ve known for years. If something goes wrong, she’s supportive. But in between, she’s a pain in the ass. We don’t hang out much.

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